Reminder, this Friday, 11/08/2019, will be a required Friday, Thank you.
Moments we strive for.... a student and teacher celebrate at the annual ESL Exit Ceremony.#onefps
Fayetteville High School Choir invites ye noble Lords and Ladies to: THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MADRIGAL FEAST ROYAL RENAISSANCE BANQUET For more information click here:
FOOD FOR FEES WEEK at Fayetteville Public Library!
Reminder: Students may wear school appropriate costumes tomorrow.
ALLPS: Reminder the Climbing field trip is canceled for tomorrow. Due to unpredicted weather, we will reschedule for a different date
ALLPS: ASVAB scores will be explained in A2 on Thurs. 10/31 at 10:00 am
ATTENTION ALLPS students and parents Due to school-wide parent-teacher conferences on 10/25/19, we will not have buses run on 10/25/19 which means no school for students on Friday ALLPS will have training from 9-12. Drop-in Parent Teacher Conference from 1-3.
Reminder we will have hold our picture day here at ALLPS tomorrow.
Reminder ALLPS Students, tomorrow is a REQUIRED FRIDAY unless your teacher has told you differently.
Homecoming is this week. Make sure to check out the information at so you understand the expectations for IDs and dress at the dance. PLEASE NOTE: The Homecoming Dance runs from 9:30-11:30. Tickets are $10.00 and will go up to $15.00 day of.
Reminder ALLPS. No school tomorrow, due to teacher In-service Day. Have a great weekend.
Questions about grades, questions about your students teacher? Well tonight would be the night! Dinner and dessert
Reminder: Family Fun Night/ Drop-in parent-teacher conference Tomorrow 4:00 P.M- 7:00 P.M.Hope to see you all tomorrow!!
Reminder: ALLPS will be traveling over to FHS for the UofA College Fair. The bus will be leaving at 8:45 AM and return at 11:00 AM. This will be an excellent time for students who are ready for College or need help choosing a college.
Reminder Parent-teacher conference will be this Thursday (09/12) and Friday (09/13). We will also be hosting our annual Family Fun Night: hot dogs, Burgers, and Mrs. Coleman's FAMOUS baked beans, Mr. Medlock's pizza recipe. We really would love to have you all here for this special event.
Reminder ALLPS parents. Tomorrow will be a required Friday for your students.
Reminder, there is no school tomorrow 08/30/2019 due to teacher in-service, and Monday 09/2/19 Labor day. Have a great weekend see ya Tuesday!
Reminder there will be no school tomorrow, due to teacher in service. Have a great weekend!