ALLPS Thanksgiving Lunch. If you have been in the past you know how great this is going to be. Come and join us for FREE Thanksgiving food served by us. Click the link below for more information.
¡Únase a nosotros para el almuerzo de Acción de Gracias!
16 de noviembre 11:00-12:30
ALLPS 2350 Old Farmington Road
Fayetteville AR 72701
Patrocinado por
Mercados vecinales de Walmart en MLK, Crossover y Weddington
Nick Wright/Herman's Rib House, Rick's Bakery
Sam's Club Fayetteville, Village Inn, Rymolene's Pies,
Harp's Foods en Garland & Weddington Dr., Mildred's Kitchen,
Maestros y personal de FHS PTSO, ALLPS
Yearbook Pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, November 1 for 9-11th graders from 9-12 pm at ALLPS.
One more photo opportunity will be available on Monday, November 20th by appointment at the Rogers’ office for senior retake photos with the full experience to include outfit changes and Cap/Gown photo. Details on scheduling coming soon.
Welcome to ALLPS newest format for the Parent Weekly Newsletter.
ALLPS Parent Newsletter 2023-24- All information from the August to October newsletter is listed below and also in the new
Welcome to ALLPS newest format for the Parent Weekly Newsletter. Hope you all find this site to be easier to Navigate. Announcements may be updated daily.
Thanks and please share any feedback that could improve our communication between school and home.
ALLPS Parent Newsletter 2023-24-
All information from the August to October newsletter is listed below and also in the new Newsletter.
Don't forget picture day is tomorrow.
ALLPS Nurse News: Student Flu Clinic - 9-12 pm at ALLPS, get permission forms from the ALLPS main office.
Click this link to ⇒ 🔺 ALLPS Student Announcement 2023=24 🔺
Friday, Oct 27th at ALLPS cafeteria from 9-12 pm
SENIORS and 9-11th graders it’s YEARBOOK picture day. No appointment is needed! First come, first served! FHS and FVA SENIOR STUDENTS may also attend to get the final chance for a photo in this year’s YEARBOOK. Just drop in…no appointment is required!
Click this link to ⇒ 🔺 ALLPS Student Announcement 2023=24 🔺
October 16th - 20th is National School Bus Safety Awareness Week! This week we're joining the nationwide effort to raise awareness about the importance of school bus safety and reminding everyone to be cautious on the roads. It takes all of us working together to keep our children safe on the school bus!🚌
Dear FPS Families,
Due to our ongoing bus driver shortage and driver illness, we have made the following adjustments to the afternoon bus routes for Friday, October 6:
Route L will arrive at ALLPS at 4:40 p.m., at RAMAY at 4:45 p.m., and at FHS at 4:55 p.m. (bus #113).
Route O will arrive at JOHN L COLBERT at 3:45 p.m. and OWL CREEK at 3:55 p.m. (bus #113).
Route O will arrive at ALLPS at 4:30 p.m., at RAMAY at 4:35 p.m., and at FHS at 4:45 p.m. (bus #117).
We greatly apologize for any inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience. We wanted you to have this information so that you can plan accordingly.
ALLPS REMINDER: Today Friday 10/7 is another REQUIRED Friday. Students from Night School may attend the Friday sessions, those who have to adjust work hours or school hours at NWTI, etc. The school will let out at 11:30. The bus will run at the normal time 3:15 and on.
Dear FPS Families,
Due to our ongoing bus driver shortage and driver illness, we have made the following adjustments to the afternoon bus routes for Thursday, October 5:
Route L will arrive at ALLPS at 4:40 p.m., at RAMAY at 4:45 p.m., and at FHS at 4:55 p.m. (bus #99).
Route O will arrive at JOHN L COLBERT at 3:45 p.m. and OWL CREEK at 3:55 p.m. (bus #99).
Route O will arrive at ALLPS at 4:30 p.m., at RAMAY at 4:35 p.m., and at FHS at 4:45 p.m. (bus #117).
We greatly apologize for any inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience. We wanted you to have this information so that you can plan accordingly.
Click this link to ⇒ 🔺 ALLPS Student Announcement 2023=24 🔺
ALLPS announcements: Still time to get these...please check your student's lunch balance
At Fayetteville Public Schools, we understand that providing nutritious meals for your children is essential for their well-being and academic success. The Free and Reduced Lunch Program is designed to support families who may be experiencing financial challenges, ensuring that no student goes without a healthy meal during the school day. If your financial circumstances have not changed since last year, it's important that you renew your application for free and reduced lunch services. This will ensure that your child continues to receive the benefits they need to thrive in school. Completing the application is quick and easy. You can access the application form through to complete the process for this school year. Your prompt attention to this matter will help us provide uninterrupted meal services to your child. If you do not renew your application, your child may no longer be eligible for free or reduced-price meals after September 22, 2023.
ALLPS STUDENTS/Parents!! Parents go to to complete the form for the 23-24 school year. Note: Prior Year benefits run out Monday, Sept 25, 2023(TODAY), next week. Parents this is critical- take five minutes out of your day to get these taken care of no one wants a surprise balance on their account. Thank you, Mrs. Heather!
Today is the last day!! Parents go to to complete the form for the 23-24 school year. Note: Prior Year benefits run out Monday, Sept 25, 2023(TODAY), next week. Parents this is critical- take five minutes out of your day to get these taken care of no one wants a surprise balance on their account. Thank you, Mrs. Heather!
Monday is the last day
ALLPS Free Lunch Info: Parents go to to complete the form for the 23-24 school year. Note: Prior Year benefits run out Monday, Sept 25, 2023, next week. Parents this is critical- take five minutes out of your day to get these taken care of. Thank you, Mrs. Heather!
ALLPS Parents this would be a first for our school:
Please join us as part of the ALLPS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO). We are a volunteer group that works with parents, staff, and students to promote education and create a positive connected community. In order to be effective, we need the support and involvement of the parents and guardians of our students. The best way to show your support is to become a member! Your membership provides funding for programs that would not otherwise be available. Information on joining ALLPS PTSO can be found HERE, by scanning the QR Code HERE, or by following this link
At Fayetteville Public Schools, we understand that providing nutritious meals for your children is essential for their well-being and academic success. The Free and Reduced Lunch Program is designed to support families who may be experiencing financial challenges, ensuring that no student goes without a healthy meal during the school day.
If your financial circumstances have not changed since last year, it's important that you renew your application for free and reduced lunch services. This will ensure that your child continues to receive the benefits they need to thrive in school.
Completing the application is quick and easy. You can access the application form through to complete the process for this school year.
Your prompt attention to this matter will help us provide uninterrupted meal services to your child. If you do not renew your application, your child may no longer be eligible for free or reduced-price meals after September 22, 2023.
ALLPS Free Lunch Info: Parents go to to complete the form for the 23-24 school year. Note: Prior Year benefits run out Monday, Sept 25, 2023, next week. Parents this is critical- take five minutes out of your day to get these taken care of. Thank you, Mrs. Heather
ALLPS Free Lunch Info:
Parents go to to complete the form for the 23-24 school year. Note: Prior Year benefits run out Monday, Sept 25, 2023, next week. Parents this is critical- take five minutes out of your day to get these taken care of. Thank you, Mrs. Heather